Stationed by the ear of corn, to keep a record of all meetings and correspond with other secretaries wherever corn is grown and FFA members meet.
Stationed by emblem of Washington, to keep an accurate
account of receipts and disbursements.
Stationed by the door, to make sure the door is open to all
and keep the room comfortable as well as assisting in maintaining order.
Gilbert FFA Alumni is a 501c-3 organization EIN 90-0339454 making your support tax deductible. **
** Always obtain tax advice from the IRS.
Mail Correspondence to: Gilbert FFA Alumni PO Box 395 Gilbert AZ 85299
Mail Packages to: Gilbert FFA Alumni 137 E Elliot Rd # 395 Gilbert AZ 85234
Download our operating budget here
Stationed by the plow, the symbol of labor and
tillage of the soil. Overseeing all chapter development.
Stationed by the plow, the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil. Overseeing all of student development.
Stationed by the rising sun for a token of a new era.
Stationed by the Flag, which covers the United States of America.
Stationed by the plow, the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil. Overseeing all of the community development.