Gilbert FFA Alumni is a 501c-3 organization  EIN 90-0339454  making your support tax deductible. **
** Always obtain tax advice from the IRS.

Mail Correspondence to: Gilbert FFA Alumni  PO Box 395 Gilbert AZ 85299

Mail Packages to: Gilbert FFA Alumni 137 E Elliot Rd # 395 Gilbert AZ 85234 

Download our operating budget here

Bylaws- Current                                                                                                                                                                                    Operating Procedures

The donation page for awards and scholarships will be updated when we return to school.


thanks you for your support!


Gilbert High School
1101 E. Elliot Rd.
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Phone: 480-545-2544
Administration Fax: 480-497-5673
Records Fax: 480-632-4799
Twitter - @GilbertHSTigers